6 Ways to Give Old iPhone a Second Life

Coming off the heels of the release of this year’s new iPhone, iPhone 8 and iPhone X, Apple users are left with that familiar question after upgrading to the latest model— “What do I with this old one?”. The answer is quite a lot.  Rather than tossing yesteryears iPhone in a drawer, never to see the light of day again, you can convert it into a functional piece of technology. We will explore the multiple ways to get a second life out of your old device.

Everyone Needs a Backup

The most obvious (and boring) use of an old iPhone is to keep it in the bullpen in case your new phone goes down. Having a backup iPhone gives you piece of mind that you won’t miss a beat if it turns out that your case isn’t as indestructible as you thought.

Convert it exclusively to an iPod

Once you transfer your data to your sparkling new phone, your old one can be where you store all your music or audiobooks. This is the perfect device to take with you when you head to the gym or take a long run without having to buy a new iPod Touch. Not only does this free precious storage space on your new phone by not bogging it down with media, but it also cuts down on putting your new phone in harm’s way by accidentally dropping it while trying to get fit.

Keep an Eye on Your Baby

For those parents reading this, your old iPhone makes a great baby monitor. Basically, you want your old phone pointed at your child’s crib while you monitor their activity on your new phone. There are several apps on the market that can help with this transition, but a good one is Cloud Baby Monitor ($3.99 in the App Store). The app can let you live stream your baby as well as play white noises to help the baby sleep. The important thing to remember with this is to be on a Wi-Fi network, otherwise the app will burn through your data.

Your Kid’s First Phone

While on the subject of kids, you can make your old phone their entertainment device. You can adjust the parental setting and put usage limits to keep track and regulate their activities. This could come in handy while out to dinner or on a road trip. Also, it’s perfect as a reward for good behavior.

Apple TV Functionality

In the App Store, you can find the Apple TV Remote app which turns your old phone into a touchscreen remote for your TV. Depending on the version of Apple TV you have, you could unlock Siri to do voice commands when searching for shows or movies. If you do go down this route, it is important to remember to disable your passcode so you don’t accidentally lock out your family members from using the device.

Find Your Inner Photographer

Your old iPhone, more than likely, is an incredible camera still. Whenever you decide to move on from it, it can become your primary device for photography or videography. This approach again doesn’t take up all your storage with pictures and videos on your new phone. You can also download all the photo editing apps without maxing out your everyday phone in the process.

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