How to Reduce Long-Distance Phone Costs

Analyze your current long-distance usage. Determine the time you usually call and the locations where you call. Calculate the average number of minutes you use by reviewing the call detail on your prior month’s phone bill.

Look at your current long-distance plan and see if your calling patterns match the plan’s features. Contact your current provider to see what alternate long-distance calling plans they offer that may save you money.

Review alternatives. Look at VOIP (Voice over IP) options like Vonage, dial around services that usually start with 1010, like 10-10-811, online options like Skype, cell phone plans and calling cards. Online services like can help you locate additional long-distance options.

Create a matrix that helps you analyze all long-distance options. Put categories vertically on a piece of paper. Useful categories include monthly minimum charge, per minute rate, monthly fee, domestic long-distance rates for days, nights and weekends. If you make international long-distance calls, add categories for country specific rates. Place the names of the different long-distance plans, companies and options horizontally across the top of your paper. In a grid fashion, fill out each square. Take your current calling minutes and times and calculate the projected cost for each service option. You can complete this exercise on a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel if preferred.

Compare the long-distance cost for each option on your matrix to see what alternative provides the lowest cost. Take into consideration any switching costs that may be involved including termination fees or special equipment costs and choose a new plan.

Review your first month’s long-distance costs to ensure your new plan provides the cost savings you anticipated. If it does not provide the savings, review your usage and contact the company to determine any discrepancies.

Create a new matrix to compare your long-distance options every time you make significant changes in your calling patterns. Also review your options periodically to check for changes or new options, as long-distance costs, plans and options change frequently.

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