The Advantages of Using Mobile Phones

According to the CTIA-Wireless Association, in 2009, more than 285 million Americans subscribed to a cellular-phone service. That translates to about 91 percent of the U.S. population using mobile phones. Given these statistics, it’s safe to say that Americans love their mobile phones. In addition to providing communication freedom, mobile phones present their users with several excellent benefits.

Mobile Phones Offer Convenience:
Mobile phones provide their users with the ability to make a call at any time, in most any place. Mobile phone coverage might vary from cellular service to cellular service, but most service providers offer extensive geographical coverage. Mobile phones are designed to be carried wherever the user goes, so they eliminate the need to sit home and wait for an important call or to schedule calls around when the user will be home.

Mobile Phones Can Be Cost Effective:
Considering more than 90% of the population subscribes to cellular service, it’s safe to say that there is a service plan that fits most every budget. From prepaid service to unlimited subscription service, the cost of cellular service can be as little or as much as the user would like. Most cellular service providers also include all domestic calls in there per-minute rate. For users who make frequent state-to-state calls, long distance fees can be virtually eliminated if the user makes them on his mobile phone. When shopping for cellular service choosing a plan that offers free nights and weekends can make using a mobile phone even more cost effective.

Mobile Phones Can Be Helpful in an Emergency:
According to Pew Internet, a project of the Pew Research Center, in 2006, 74% of American mobile phone users reported using their mobile phone to reach help in an emergency. In addition to calling people for help, users can program In Case of Emergency (ICE) numbers under the contact name “ICE” into their mobile phones so that emergency personnel can reach someone should the mobile phone owner be unable to provide information during an emergency.

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