Top 4 Apps For Mental Health

There are apps for everything. From shopping, entertainment, travel and so much more. There’s even apps that claim to help you with your mental health and give you a resource to calm down in a hectic life. 

We live in a society that is heavily affected by mental health conditions. Approximately 48.3 million adults in the United States are faced with a mental health condition each year, and 9.8 million of those are serious conditions that limit the activities of everyday life. 

Since therapy and other professional resources can be extremely expensive and unattainable for some, these apps are made to be accessible to the population. 

Let’s take a look at some of the highest rated ones.

Headspace [free]:This app uses meditation and aids in mindfulness to help you get focused for your day ahead. 

Their mission is to give you to tools to live a happier and healthier life. Depending on what you need such as: healthier relationships, calmness, active mind, or reduce stress, you can find meditation sessions to guide you through.  

The app reports that meditation reduces daily stress and improves focus and attention. What is more, using Headspace is suggested to enhance compassionate behavior toward others in just 3 weeks.

Moodpath [free]: This apps goal is to support you through your difficult times and guide you to a healthier place. Everyday Moodpath will ask you daily questions to assess your mental health. This is to increase your awareness of your thoughts, emotions and feelings. 

After two weeks, the app will generate an electronic document that you can show to a healthcare professional and talk through. In the app, there are more than 150 videos and psychological exercises to help you understand your mental health and get to a healthier space. 

Pacifica [free]: This app hits on anxiety and stress. It will provide you with tools to deal with daily anxiety and stress. Pacifica can help you break cycles of negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They use conscious breath tracking, mindful meditation, mood tracking and relaxation. 

The app has audio lessons and activities to help you cope with stress and depression. It had daily challenges to help you overcome anxiety one day at a time. 

Moodnotes [$3.99 iPhone]: this app acts as a thought journal and mood diary. It is a good resource to capture your feelings and improve your thought habits through conscious breath tracking and positive psychology. Track your mood and increase self-awareness of what influences it. Learn to recognize “traps” in your thinking and ways to rethink the situation. The app will tell you when you’ve entered a “thinking trap” and will provide you with suggestions and helpful perspectives to enhance your well-being. 

While there are many other apps that aid in a healthier life, these 4 are good ones to keep on hand. You may also want to check out SuperBetter, 7 Cups, Happify and Talkspace. 

Living a stress and anxiety free life is liberating and so much richer. It’s important to make sure your mental health is in check, and if you can’t afford other resources, these apps may be great alternatives to recognizing negative behavior and paving the way for a happier and healthier life. 


Very good. Let me mention “Atmospheres”, a sound effects app which is perfect for relaxing or drifting off to sleep: you can add your own loops (from Youtube, maybe) or relaxation MP3’s.

Do try to leave your home to walk somewhere nice, if you can manage it, every day. If you can manage to walk or swim for forty minutes, even better. If you find yourself hiding at home day in and day out, you have a right to professional help – so don’t hesitate to seek it. Good luck!

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