Pros & Cons of Mobile Technology

Learn about the benefits and dangers a simple cell phone can provide.

These days, the ubiquitous cell phone acts almost as another appendage for many people. We use cell phones to call, e-mail, surf the Internet and even navigate. But for all its benefits, there are some drawbacks to be aware of with mobile technology.

Cell phones and other mobile technology devices have created a way for people across the globe to easily stay in touch. That 30-minute bus ride home can now be an opportunity to call an old friend or get some work done through a conference call.

As of 2009, about 71 percent of men and 77 percent of women have used their cell phones to assist them in an emergency situation.

Mobile Office:
With mobile e-mail and smart phones that have data programs, cell phones can now be used to conduct business from anywhere.

Children and Mobile Devices:
Parents can choose to give their children cell phones or mobile devices to allow communication, enhance their safety and keep track of their location. Many cell phones now come with built-in GPS that can help locate a missing child.

Nearly 32 percent of men and 23 percent of women admitted to driving distracted while on a cell phone as of 2009. Many people also live without land-line phones, so if their cell phone battery dies, they have no phone.

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